NameTrading formDateEnd dateStatus Public Request for Proposals and Bids for the right to conclude contracts for the supply of three-phase and single-phase electronic multi-tariff reverse meters for the needs of the Customer /3262/ 22/08/202305/09/2023complete more 26/07/202326/07/2023complete more Open Request for Proposals and Bids for the right to conclude contracts for the supply of complete transformer and pole-top package transformer substations for the needs of the Customer /3256/13/07/202327/07/2023complete more 10/07/202310/07/2023complete more 20/06/202320/06/2023complete more 07/06/202307/06/2023complete more Public Request for Proposals and Bids for the right to conclude the Contracts for the supply of LVSG Type Low-Voltage Switchgear for the needs of the Customer /3251/01/06/202315/06/2023complete more 23/05/202323/05/2023complete more 18/05/202318/05/2023complete more Public Request for Proposals and Bids for the right to conclude contracts for the right to conclude contracts for the supply of power transformers of the TDNS type 35/6 kV with a capacity of 25 MVA , for the needs of the Customer /3247/ 10/05/202324/05/2023complete more