Electric Networks of Armenia


Tenders and other procurements notices

NameTrading formDateEnd dateStatus
Open Request for Proposals and Bids for the right to conclude Contracts for the supply of equipment and materials of basic electrical use for the needs of the Customer, for the 3 lots /3217/13/09/202228/09/2022complete
Open Request for Proposals and Bids for the right to conclude contracts for the supply of the 4 Lots of cables and wires for the needs of the Customer /3216/12/09/202227/09/2022complete
"Electric Networks of Armenia" CJSC Public Request for Proposals and Bids for the right to conclude contracts for the supply of self-supporting insulated wires for the needs of the Customer. /3214/07/09/202220/09/2022complete
Public Request for Proposals and Bids for the right to conclude contracts for the supply of wooden poles for the needs of the Customer. /3215/06/09/202220/09/2022complete
Public Request for Proposals and Bids Acquisition of a land plot covering 1000m2 alongside Burastan overhead transmission line, on the border of villages Masis and Dmitrov (within the radius of 200ms) in Ararat province /3213/16/08/202223/08/2022active
Public Request for Proposals and Bids proposals for the right to conclude contracts for the supply of linear armature for the needs of the Customer /3210/05/08/202219/08/2022complete
Open Request for Proposals and Bids for the right to conclude Contracts for the supply of equipment and materials of basic electrical use for the needs of the Customer, for the 5 lots /3206/29/07/202212/08/2022complete