NameTrading formDateEnd dateStatus "Electric Networks of Armenia" CJSC Open Request for Proposals and Bids for the right to conclude contracts for the supply of the following 7 Lots of cables and wires for the needs of the Customer /3094/01/04/202115/04/2021complete more 01/04/202101/04/2021complete more 23/03/202123/03/2021complete more 03/03/202103/03/2021complete more 03/03/202103/03/2021complete more 26/02/202126/02/2021complete more Open Request for Proposals and Bids26/02/202115/03/2021complete more 15/02/202115/02/2021complete more 15/02/202115/02/2021complete more 05/02/202112/02/2021active