Electric Networks of Armenia


Tenders and other procurements notices

NameTrading formDateEnd dateStatus
Open Request for Proposals and Bids for the right to conclude contracts for the supply of wooden support poles for the needs of the Customer /3143/16/08/202130/08/2021complete
Open Request for Proposals and Bids for the right to conclude contracts for the supply of the following 5 Lots of cables and wires for the needs of the Customer /3144/16/08/202130/08/2021complete
Open Request for Proposals and Bids for the right to conclude contracts for the supply of fittings to SIP for the needs of the Customer /3145/16/08/202130/08/2021complete
Open Request for Proposals and Bids for the right to conclude contracts for the procurement of a 210-230 m2 land parcel within a 100 meter around 35/6kV Purak substation for the construction of DS in the proximity of V.Sargsyan, Zakyan, and M.Khorenatsi Streets in the city of Yerevan, for the needs of the Customer /3140/04/08/202118/08/2021complete
Open Request for Proposals and Bids for the right to conclude contracts for the supply of 9 Lots special machines and mechanisms for the needs of the Customer /3137/23/07/202105/08/2021complete
Open Request for Proposals and Bids for the right to conclude contracts for the supply of 2 lots of computer and copy equipment for the needs of the Customer /3136/20/07/202103/08/2021complete
Open Request for Proposals and Bids for the right to conclude contracts for the procurement of a 210-230 m2 land parcel within a 100 meter around 35/6kV Purak substation for the construction of DS in the proximity of V.Sargsyan, Zakyan, and M.Khorenatsi Streets in the city of Yerevan, for the needs of the Customer /3129/12/07/202126/07/2021active