NameTrading formDateEnd dateStatus 23/12/202423/12/2024complete more 20/12/202420/12/2024complete more 16/12/202416/12/2024complete more 12/12/202426/12/2024active 22/11/202422/11/2024complete more 19/11/202419/11/2024complete more Public Request for Proposals and Bids for the right to conclude contracts for acquisition of a 65-70 m2 land plot A-736-24 / 3354 /14/11/202428/11/2024active Notice on postponement of Public Request for Proposals А-712-24 / 3351/1 /13/11/202426/11/2024complete more 11/11/202411/11/2024complete more Open Request for Proposals and Bids A-716-24 /3353/11/11/202418/11/2024active