Electric Networks of Armenia


About Us

The energy sector of Armenia, has a history of more than 100 years. The first hydro power station, founded in 1903, was of great importance for the power supply to be started copper production in Syunik.

The collapse of the USSR entailed dramatic changes of economic situation in Armenia, which brought to the energy crisis in the country during 1992-1995. Power distribution companies appeared in a very difficult situation: actual absence of control and record, low level of collection rate for the energy consumed, common embezzlements, frequent overloads of the networks and, as a consequence, breakdowns with wreckage of power and auxiliary equipment. These factors led to the creation of 64 state utility companies, entrusted with special obligations and responsibility for the sale of energy.

But this structure subsisted for a short time. In 1997 already, the RA law “On Energy” was passed and RA Energy Regulatory Commission was founded, which initiated power system restructuring and commercialization, based on the division of the responsibilities among the generation, transmission, dispatching and distribution.

Thus, the staged transition from vertically integrated management structure to the horizontally integrated was put into action. As a result of an intensive consolidation process, instead of 64 small inefficient utility companies 11 major ones were formed, later they united into 4 regional ones, and since 2002 – into the united distribution network of Armenia – CJSC “Electric Networks of Armenia”. “Midland Resources Holding” became the owner of the company.

In 2006 “Electric Networks of Armenia” CJSC became a subsidiary of RAO UES INTERNATIONAL" CJSC. In September 2015 ''Tashir'' Group of Companies signed a constract on the aquisition of 100% shares of the company.

From April 14, 2017 the shareholders of the Company are "Tashir Capital" (70 %) and LIORMAND HOLDING LIMITED (30%).

General Manager of ENA is Karen Harutyunyan.